St. Matthew’s Parish Forum Minutes: 2nd June 2014

Present: Fr. Conor, Agnes Williams, Dave Cotterill, Dcn. Eddie Cawley, Joan Purcell, Paula Burke, Ronny Burke.
Apologies: Joe McGunigle, Paula O’Toole.

Women’s Group: Next meeting Wednesday 4th June at 7pm. Date of fundraising Tea Party and designated charity to be discussed.

Prayer Group: Next meeting to be arranged.

North Liverpool Foodbank: 92 full bags delivered to date.

Whitechapel Centre: 25 bags delivered to date.

Surveys/Work: We are still waiting for the outcome of the high level survey.

Bereavement Group:Cards continue to be sent out. Fr. Conor requested that the group consider involving the housebound in this ministry by inviting them to help with anniversary card preparation. A meeting is to be arranged.

Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham:2014 trip went well with glorious weather.

Sign up sheets for the proposed trip 15th-18th May 2015 at the back of church.

Confirmations/1st Holy Communions – ‘With You Always’: Dates of Confirmations/1st Holy Communions: St. Matthew’s Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th June at 3pm. St. Cecilia’s Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June at 3pm.

Journey in Faith: Plans to allocate a sponsor for future enquirers.

‘The Joy of the Gospel’: Fr. Conor was pleased with the sessions and numbers attending.

Lent/Easter: Lovely. Easter Triduum and Stations of the Cross in Garden all well attended and fantastic.

Quarant’Ore - 40 Hours:Thursday 3rd July-Sunday 6th July

Candles and stands sorted. Candle dedication envelopes and labels, and sign up sheets on the notice board at the back of church from weekend 14th/15th June.

Fundraising – Fun Run: The idea to include others on the run has been cancelled. After making enquiries the logistics and organisation would end up costing more. As some aspects are prohibited Fr. Conor’s will now probably run alone from St. Cecilia’s to St. Matthew’s.

Church Cleaners: Volunteers required. A notice to be put in newsletter, to include contact information for, Anne Carter and Jan McGuiness.

Readers/Eucharistic Minister: Joan mentioned the need for more readers. Fr. Conor agreed to approach parishioners for both ministries.

Tea Cups: Fr. Conor agreed to the purchase of new cups.

Pastoral Area Novena: Good with large numbers attending.

Diaconal Ordination – Ronnie Burke: The coach will leave St. Matthew’s at 1.45pm and St. Cecilia’s at 2pm returning at approximately 5pm.

Memorial for Deceased Infants: A broad discussion was held as to how the parishes could establish some form of memorial that would allow those parents who have lost a child a space to pray and remember. The conversation will continue at St Cecilia’s parish forum.

Next meeting: Monday 28th July 2014 at 7pm.