St Matthew’s Parish Forum Minutes, 12th June 2013
Present: Fr. Conor, Dave Cotterill, Eddie Cawley, Joan Purcell, Paula Burke.
Apologies: Agnes Williams, Ronny Burke, Joe McGunigle, Paula O’Toole, Kath Shaw.

Women’s Group: At the previous meeting a provisional date was set for the 2013 Tea Party, however this is to be confirmed. Invite received from St. Cecilia’s UCM for celebration to be held on Friday 19th June, Joan to relay to Women’s Group.
White Flower Appeal – awaiting total. Next meeting Wednesday 3rd July 2013.

Welcome Group: 2 volunteers for Saturdays required; message to go in newsletter.

Prayer Group: Next meeting 1st July at 7pm.

North Liverpool Foodbank: 21 full bags delivered last week. Total to date during 2013 – 164 bags.

Whitechapel Centre: A further delivery to made during next week.

Surveys: Work on the garage and boiler room has been completed. No further progress on other issues as yet.

Bereavement Group: Meeting to be arranged.

Family Shoe Box Appeal 2012: Reply and photographs have now been received, which will be displayed at the back of church when the 2013 appeal is launched in the newsletter.

CaFE – Catholic Faith Exploration - The Saints: Possibly October 2013

Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham: All enjoyed and some very positive comments received from parishioners. Another trip provisionally booked for 17th/19th May 2014. A list to express interest is available at the back of church. A pilgrimage to Lourdes was mentioned as a possibility for future years.

Little Church/Miscellaneous Cupboard: Joan, Eddie and others to sort.

Confirmations/1st Holy Communions: ‘With You Always’ Catechist’s Meeting (St. Matthew’s & St. Cecilia’s) to be held at St. Matthew’s on Wednesday 17th July at 7pm. Fr. Conor confirmed 2014 sacramental Masses will most likely take place at St. Matthew’s.

Special Weekend - 1st/2nd June: Fr. Conor stated how wonderful the weekend was when the Very Rev. Vincent Burrowes celebrated his Diamond Jubilee and his nephew Gabriel received Confirmation and 1st Holy Communion. Once again the parish was at its best and Fr. Conor wished to thank all those who gave their time.

Next meeting: Wednesday 21st August at 7pm.