St Cecilia’s Parish Forum Minutes, Wednesday 11th June.
Present: Fr. Conor, Dcn Eddie, Lyndsey Woodward, Sr Pedro, Mary Dillon, Simon Holleron, Rachel Griffiths Mary Kenny Apologies: Teresa Routledge, Marie Crist
Eucharistic Ministers: We still have an issue with not enough Minsters visiting the sick, especially since Joe’s accident. Rachel suggested doing a refresher course for all ministers who visit the sick & housebound. Fr C arranged an obligatory meeting ‘Ministry in the Community’ for Wednesday 16th July in St C, at 7.00 pm, for all Eucharistic Ministers from both parishes. Mary will order service books for bringing communion to the housebound to be distributed and discussed at this meeting..
With You Always: Fr C looking at possibly changes to the course for next year. At St M’s Communion Mass Fr C made decision to only allow children to receive Communion, this worked well in St M’s, so will do the same here.
Baptism Group: Running well, It was agreed Mary will bring all Baptism forms back to St Cecilia’s for certificates.
Little Church: all fine.
UCM: Nothing to report.
Legion of Mary: Need to recruit new members, will advertise in newsletter.
Safeguarding: All good.
Readers: Rota all done up to August. It was agreed “ministry refresher notes” will go out with each rota.
Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Fr C may have a problem with date but will know more in September.
Holy Week & Easter: Fr C filled with joy at how well attended and just how beautiful Easter was this year.
Joy of the Gospel: The Pastoral Area is looking at ways of bringing together the various groups that meet during Lent to discuss the Pope’s document soon.
Confessions: Still very well attended. Will change to last Sunday of the month.
Bereavement Group: Look at setting up a bereavement group here and combining with St Matthew’s established group.
Family Shoe box appeal: to be announced soon.
Pastoral Unit Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Date booked and currently being advertised in newsletter.
40 hours: 3rd – 6th July in St Matthews, all envelopes to be put out this weekend for intentions.
Fundraising Fun Run: Due to health & safety restrictions the Fun Run has had to change to Fr C running by himself from St M – St C. People will still be able to sponsor him and come out to support him.
Memorial for Deceased Infants: A broad discussion was held as to how the parishes could establish some form of memorial that would allow those parents who have lost a child a space to pray and remember. It was decided the ideal place to put a memorial would be in the space between the Church & presbytery at St C’s. Lyndsey will speak to Donny the gardener to arrange meeting with Fr C to discuss costing, ideas etc.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th July at 7pm.