St Cecilia’s Parish Forum Minutes, Wednesday 2nd April.
Present: Fr. Conor, Dcn Eddie, Lyndsey Woodward, Marie Crist, Mary Dillon, Simon Holleron, Rachel Griffiths Mary Kenny
Apologies: Teresa Routledge, Sr. Roseleen.
Eucharistic Ministers: Rotas’ done through to May.
Some people have brought to our attention that the ‘Precious Blood’ in the common chalices is running out before everyone has had the chance to receive, Fr C asked Eddie to ensure we have more available.
Currently only Marie & Joe take Communion out to the housebound, Fr Conor wants this to be regularly reviewed as Eucharistic Ministers are reminded such visits are an integral part of their ministry as commissioned by the Archdiovcese.
Anyone wishing to go on visiting list the Parish Office should be contacted first so arrangements can be made and records kept to date.
With You Always: Only 1 session left. Fr C to review for next yr possibly leaving a month out. Mary queried if bar should be open and people able to buy drinks. Fr C, notably stunned that such a situation should have arisen, confirmed Bar should definitely be closed and no one allowed to buy drinks as it is Sacramental Preparation.
Baptism Group: Running really well.
Little Church: is lovely! All seems fine but if catechists have any problems please let Fr C know.
Altar Servers/Guild of St Stephen: 1 new Altar server.
UCM: Nothing to report.
Legion of Mary: All ok.
Safeguarding: With Sr Doris moving on, Sr Pedro will take up the role to assist Lyndsey.
Readers: Rota has gone up back of church for April. Mary Kenny will narrate on Good Friday. Stations went well but we only have 2 male readers, Simon will look into recruiting more readers.
Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 5 days- possibly 2nd week in August. Mary will price for these dates: Lent: Fr C to look at the possibility of swapping the venues for Friday’s early morning Mass & evening stations next year.
Joy of the Gospel: going well.
Holy Week & Easter Mass times: No complaints with regards to Easter Mass time except for a couple of people saying Easter Sunday Mass to early.
Confessions: Very well attended
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th June at 7pm.